Why Register a Canadian Trademark?
Mon, 24 Aug 2015
WHAT IS A TRADEMARK? A trademark is a word, a symbol, a design or any combination used in association with products (wares in trademark lingo) or services. It is a useful tool for distinguishing the products or services of one entity from its competitors. A trademark may come to represent not only p ...
Posté dans: Resources pour entreprises
Getting Incorporated: Important Steps and Tips on Incorporating Your Company
Mon, 20 Jul 2015
Getting Incorporated: Important Steps and Tips on Incorporating Your CompanyThere has been a lot of talk recently about whether or not a corporation can be considered a person. While pundits debate those points, the courts have already decided: a corporation is a legal entity that can enter into la ...
Posté dans: Resources pour entreprises
Joingnez les professionnels de l'industrie lors de la 8ème édition du forum M&A à Québec
Thu, 23 Apr 2015
La 8ème édition du Forum M&A approche à grand pas. Accueilli par le Château Bonne Entente, le Forum se tiendra le 27 avril prochain à Québec. Le Forum M&A attire tous les enthousiastes de business, fusions et acquisitions, les chercheurs de deals, les professionnels provenant des dom ...
Posté dans: Resources pour entreprises
Join Industry Professionals at the 8th Edition of the M&A Forum in Quebec City
Thu, 23 Apr 2015
The M&A club is hosting its 8th forum at Chateau Bonne Entente on April 27th in Quebec City. The M&A forum attracts experts in mergers and acquisitions, business owners, dealmakers, professionals coming from various arenas of finance including, but not limited to, financing, Quebecois priv ...
Posté dans: Resources pour entreprises
2015-2016 Quebec Budget: highlights from a corporate incentives point of view
Fri, 27 Mar 2015
Yesterday, March 26th 2015, Quebec’s Minister of Finance and the Economy unveiled the province’s yearly budget. Following are the summarized highlights for the corporate tax changes:Corporate income tax rate: Gradual reduction by 0.1% per year over the next 5 years from 11.9% to 11.5%Refundable ...
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